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Henry Ford Quote:

                                            Critical Thinking Journal #1

            Henry Ford once wrote, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, either way you’re right.” As we all know, Ford is most famously known as a developer of the assembly line and the Model T automobile, but what we fail to know is why would a man of such innovation write a quote such as this one? What Ford means by this quote is that if you come across an obstacle that seems hard, and you say you cannot do it, it is more than likely you will not be successful in fulfilling that situation compared to someone who said they think they can overcome it.

            When Ford was married, he gave up his job in Detroit in order to help his newly wed wife and son on their farm. Within the three years of helping them, Ford was offered a job at Edison’s company, Edison Illumination Company. This is where Ford started to make history. He started constructing his first model of the automobile in 1896. Seeing his creative mind at work, Edison encouraged Ford to build a second model, but better. With this initiative, Ford accomplished his goal in creating the world’s first running automobile. This is where Ford’s quote begins to reflect his life experience. With Edison by his side pushing him, Ford wanted to create even more models, but more advanced. However, Ford’s partners in the company were eager to put his design on the market as soon as possible, and they grew frustrated with Ford’s need to improve his creation. With the constant bugging and nagging, Ford left the company and established his own motor company called the Ford Motor Company. Ford’s quote mirrors what happened to him personally. Ford knew he had the potential to make his creation better than it already was, and instead of letting is partners stop him, he walked away from them and continued his work somewhere else.

            Just like Ford’s experience, I experienced a similar situation. Throughout high school, I was determined to get the advanced diploma, but the other students around me were settling with the standard diploma. People questioned why I kept taking classes that I didn’t need and continued to aggravate me about taking fewer classes. Instead of being like everyone else in today’s world, I pushed them aside and decided to continue my effort in obtaining my advanced diploma. Why? Because I knew that I could do more with myself if I continued to further my education. Today, out of everybody I personally know, I am one of the very few who graduated with the advanced diploma.





                                                        Works Cited

"Henry Ford Biography." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 9 June 2016. <>

"Henry Ford." A E Networks, n.d. Web. 9 June 2016. <>


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